Quotidianum Estonicum. Aspects of Daily Life in Medieval Estonia
Erstveröffentlichung: 1996
Medieval Estonia. An lntroduction
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 5 (1996) 8-13
” … ultima germanorum & christianorumprouintia. . . ” Outlines of the Image of Livonia on Maps from the Thirteenth to the Middle of the Sixteenth Century
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 5 (1996) 14-28
Les miracles en Livonie et en Estonie a I’epoque de Ia christianisation (fin Xlleme-debut XIIlerne siecles)
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 5 (1996) 29-78
Van des keisserlichen Lübischen Rechtes wegen Circumstances of Criminality in Medieval Reval
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 5 (1996) 79-102
The Church Calendar and Yearly Cycle in the Life of Medieval Reval
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 5 (1996)
Some Aspects of Herbai Medical Treatment on the Example of Medieval Reval
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 5 (1996)
Essen und Trinken in den livländischen Städten i m Spätmittelalter
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 5 (1996)
Les lois somptuaires de Reval
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 5 (1996) 128-134