Oral History of the Middle Ages. The Spoken Word in Context
Erstveröffentlichung: 2001
Beyond Goody and Grundmann
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 11-18
Textual to Oral: the Impact of Transmission on Narrative Word-Art
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 19-38
Fictive Audience. The Second Person Singular in the Deliberatio of Bisbop Gerard of Csanad 1
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 39-48
Testaments and Testimonies. Orality and Literacy in Composing Last Wills in Late Medieval Hungary
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 49-66
The Kingdom of Poland versus the Teutonic Knights: Oral Traditions and Literate Behaviour in the Later Middle Ages
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 67-78
Ruler, Protector, and a Fairy Prince: the Everlasting Deeds of Grand Duke Vytautas as Related by the Lithuanian Tatars and Karaites
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 79-87
Oral Tradition, Land Disputes, and the Noble Community in Galician Rus’ from the 1440s to the 1460s
7Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 88-107
The Importance of the Spoken Word in the Public Affairs of Carlo Tocco (from the Anonymous Chronaca dei Tocco di Cefalonia)
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 108-116
A Heated Conversation: Who was Isabel de Aubigny, Countess of Arundel?
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 117-127
Rhetorical Strategies and Legal Arguments: ‘Evil Customs’ and Saint-Florent de Saumur, 979- 1 0 1 1 1
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 128-141
Traces of Orality in Written Contexts. Legal Proceedings and Consultations at the Royal Court as Reflected in Documentary Sources from lt”-century Germany
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 142-153
From Oral to Written and Back: A Sermon Case Study
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 203-216
Rituals of Repentance and Testimonies at Rabbinical Courts in the 15th Century
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 164-176
The Use of Direct Quotation from Canonization Hearing to Hagiographical Vita et Miracula
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 177-187
Bernard of Clairvaux’s Preaching of the Third Crusade and Orality
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 188-195
Obstades to Oral Communication in the Mission of Friar William of Ruhruck among the Mongols1
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001)
From Oral Custom to Written Law: The German Sachsenspiegel
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 154-163
Travel, Orality, and the Literary Discourse: Travels in the Past and Literary Travels at the Crossroad of the Oral and the Literary
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 217-235
“Do not Shut Your Eyes if You Will See Musical Notes:” German Heroie Poetry (“Nibelungenlietf’), Music, and Performance
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 236-247
Evoking Auditory Imagination: On the Poetics of Voice Production in The Story of The Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord (c. 1580)
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 248-256
Spoken Words and Images in Late Medieval Italian Painting
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 257-276
Images and the Power of the Spoken Word
Medium Aevum Quotidianum Sonderband 12 (2001) 277-294