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Fig. 1: Boniface IX, Pope, allows the councillors of Cracow to use the portable altar. Rome, 17 November 1396 (National Archive in Krakow, Collection of parchment documents, sign 29/657/107).

Sacrum in the Service of the Community

The Chapel of Cracow City Council in the Comparative Perspective of Late Medieval Europe

The town hall was modelled on the castles of rulers. It imitated not only their internal features, but also certain elements of their interior order and character. The chapel…

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Fig. 3. Detail of the map of Poland by Wacław Grodecki, printed in Ortelius’s Theatrum orbis terrarum Antwerp 1573); Public domain. From the copy of the State Library of New South Wales.

Building identity

Town halls of small Polish towns as a symbol and a sign of urban character and identity
(14th–16th century)

In popular imagination a mediaeval town is a densely built up, stonewalled, crowded and busy settlement with sky scraping spires of churches and town halls. In reality, in case…

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Die Dinge und das Verschwinden

Ausgehend von der mittelalterlich-kommunikativen Prämisse einer „Kultur der Sichtbarkeit“ widmet sich der Beitrag der oft fragwürdigen oder zumindest hinterfragbaren Rolle von unsichtbaren und unsichtbar machenden Dingen in der mhd….
